Taking Advantage of Your Outdoor Space

A lush green lawn, a refreshing swimming pool, the sun shining brightly over the patio and birds chirping in tune – all are reasons to enjoy the outdoors. If you own a house with a decent area of outdoor space, then you have the freedom to turn it into the center of attraction. Here are some ideas on how to best take advantage of your outdoor space.

The History Of The Garage

The modern garage is a far cry from the converted carriage house in which the first automobiles were housed. As a matter of fact, garages over the years have evolved from an external necessity to an important part of our homes. From necessary storage spaces to outright man caves, the following is an infographic that takes a look at the “history of the garage.”

A Guide For Outdoor Entertaining

When entertaining outdoors, it’s important to spruce up your patio area, including being able to serve food in an efficient manner, and overall, making sure your guests comfortable. When designing and setting up your patio space, include shading options like retractable awnings or sun shade sail awnings. The following infographic serves as a guide to outdoor entertaining.

The A-Z Tips Of Space Saving Ideas Of Small Garage Storage

If you’re like the many people who have enclosed garages, space is at a premium for everything that needs to be stored. Garage storage organization is crucial to making the most use of the space you have. In this infographic, take a look at how to maximize garage space and keep things organized and clutter-free.

How to Create an Outdoor Living Space

Utilizing all of your outdoor areas can offer many benefits in expanding usable space beyond your four walls. To create a unique and useful space, you need to make the area practical and allow enough room to move around with ease. The infographic below will show you how to create a fabulous outdoor living space.

Benefits of Window Sunscreens in Arizona

It is only April and already it is starting to heat up in the Phoenix Metro area. In fact, we hit 100 degrees for the first time in 2018 on April 10th! Yikes, what happened to Spring? If it is heating up on the outside, then it will very likely heat up on the inside as well. And if you do not have window sunscreens installed on your windows, your air conditioner is going to have to work that much harder to keep the inside of your home cool.

Fall In Arizona: Time To Open Those Doors & Windows!

Now that the weather is finally getting nice in Arizona, after an intensely hot summer, it is due time to open those windows and doors and let the cool air come in. Many do open windows to allow the outside air to come in. Because most windows already have some kind of screen in place, it is a no brainier – let the cool air in and keep the critters and insects out. But what about your doors?